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Quaranteen, lock-down. Silence. Perfect for making, reading, deepening, oxygen for the mind to breathe in. Although reality – or the duality of it – is a clever trespasser.

Ghent - 12 May 2020
Sabine A.M Martens


Quaranteen, lock-down. Silence. Perfect for making, reading, deepening, oxygen for the mind to breathe in. Although reality – or the duality of it – is a clever trespasser. Isn’t the bubble made out of bulletproof glass anyway, inconquerable by the most powerful weapon or the tiniest organism? On the tv news each day the numbers, a dehumanized given. The peak, the curve, the yes, the no. And walking, plenty of walking …

The news is full of items. Much explanation regarding the numbers, regarding the yes, regarding the no. Certainly each day the call for pulling the economy out of the shambles, because otherwise, we will not make it. Globalization – that worshipped golden calf – has not lived up to the expectations. Or were expectations unexisting as was a risk analysis. Working in one's own area was demonized once and all of a sudden it has been restored in its glory. Local economy suddenly has become the best option. The small local shops that were killed by competition, could have remained open anyway.

Every day applause sounds through the streets for people working in the health care sector and white banners with words of thanks dress up many facades. How long has it been that health care workers took to the streets with white banners themselves? Not so long ago, and repeated at least once a year. Applause? Nice. Funding: better!

In the news each day also a portion of sports, which isn’t actually there. Soccer practices and the call to play. From time to time some contaminations, a note in the margin. Plenty of money or not? In an industry of millions, they don’t seem to have an apple for a rainy day.

Sporadically other victims are in the news or the climate is talked about. Not very different than usual. Our biotope, a footnote. Or the puberal expression of anxiety. Although in that matter also scientists exist to be followed and they have been around for decades.

One time the giant holes in the social safety net are dealt with, which the people from the cultural sector fall straight through. They are big, those holes. Applause, it is not there anymore. Money has never been.

Not in the news. The war in Syria. Not in the news. The refugee camps all over the world where disease is also present but on top of hunger and without any comfort. Not in the news. The socially weak without a computer to take online classes. Not in the news. The woman who gets beaten up more than ever. Not in the news. The child unable to study because of the loud noise. Not in the news. The homeless in our cities. Not in the news. The asylum seekers and where they are now. Not in the news. The mouth masks as a means to be unrecognizable. Not in the news.